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Private Sessions


Work with me one-on-one. I learn about your history, habits and unique situation and then offer you a customized and short and sweet plan for tackling your goals. I work with you all along the way monitoring and guiding you.


Book your complimentary initial consultation to learn more. And ask me about the discount for pre-booking multiple sessions in advance. 

Discovery Call

20 minutes | FREE

On this phone call, we will discuss your health concerns, answer any questions you might have about our services & see if Short & Sweet is a good fit for you!


We will reserve your initial consultation on this phone call.

Initial Consultation

2 hours for ages 10+ | $229

1 hour for ages 9 and under | $149

In this appointment, we'll learn about your entire healthy journey. We'll review your medical/family history, detailed symptom information, and a food & lifestyle journal.


We will help you put together the pieces of your health concerns with education on holistic nutrition so you can finally feel empowered and in control of your health journey from here on forward! We will finish the appointment sending you off with a unique dietary & lifestyle protocol - each client receives something different as no one is alike. 

(all ages)
The Basics


One 1-hour session per month

We assess your progress and areas of improvement, review detailed symptom information, and a food & lifestyle journal.

An individualized protocol is created with food, lifestyle, movement, and supplement recommendations. 

Recommended for clients who have been with us for a few months and are on a "maintenance plan" or for individuals who require little to no accountability between sessions.

The Basics Plus


One 1-hour session per month

We assess your progress and areas of improvement, review detailed symptom information, and a food & lifestyle journal.

An individualized protocol is created with food, lifestyle, movement, and supplement recommendations.

One additional food & lifestyle journal check-in about half way between sessions for added accountability and success. 

​Recommended for clients who are new to working with us and need some accountability in between sessions. 

Short & Sweet Method


One 50-minute session per month (first session is 80-min)

We assess your progress and areas of improvement, review detailed symptom information, and a food & lifestyle journal.

An individualized protocol is created with food, lifestyle, movement, and supplement recommendations.

One food & lifestyle journal check-ins as well as unlimited questions and support in between sessions. 

Recommended for clients who are new to working with us and would like consistent accountability and support in between sessions. We have found the most success with this approach with clients receiving results much faster! 

FREE Initial Consultation

30 minutes | $0

On this phone call, my goal is to get to know you and your health concerns in order to best support you on your health journey. Then I will explain how I go about my practice to make a unique and completely individualized protocol for you.


Hopefully it’s a match and we can get started.

Follow Up Sessions

1 hour | $75

The purpose of the follow up appointments is to measure your progress.


Each and every time we touch base, you can expect to leave with a new goal and information to succeed!

First Appointment

2 hours | $145

I will go over your medical/family history, current medications, if any, detailed symptom info, a food journal, and then perform a full functional evaluation to gain as much information from your body as possible on where deficiencies are and where I need to support you first. I will then finish the appointment sending you off with a unique dietary and lifestyle protocol - each client receives something different as no one is alike.

Distance Consultation

Starting at $75/hour

Not located in Dallas, TX? No problem! I have clients located all over the U.S.!


Please contact me for pricing as it differs from person to person. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Restart Program

5-WEEK RESTART    PROGRAM  |  Price: $250


Are you interested in learning more about nutrition and living a healthier lifestyle in a cost effective group setting? Join RESTART


This 5-week ongoing program meets online or in person (in the Dallas Fort Worth, Texas area) once per week for 90 minutes. It is part nutrition class, part sugar elimination and part support group – an empowering combination! The program includes a cookbook and a binder with all of the information you need to follow along, participate and be successful each week.





Increased Energy

Weight Loss

Stabilized Mood

Clarity & Focus

Better/Restful Sleep

Balanced Hormones

Week 1

Learn how to prepare for your real food, sugar detox challenge.

Week 2

Our whole food challenge starts now! We learn about macro nutrients and proper digestion.

Week 3

We tackle cravings, sugar, and proper blood sugar balance.

Week 4

Get the skinny on fats and why they are vital to optimal health.

Week 5

Get tools and tips on how to move forward, as well as a celebration of your successes!

Booking this class reserves you 1 of 10 spots in the 5-week program. Classes are held once a week on Mondays, Wednesdays or Saturdays. Please indicate your day of the week preference when signing up so I can coordinate your start date with the group.

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